Ok - so to my Pizza.
I know im a stubborn prick. And I know I go overboard with things.
But theres a reason I don't follow recipes. Its not because im stubborn, or because I go overboard. It just never works. Anytime I use a recipe, whether from a book, word of mouth or even on the back of a cereal box - it all goes to hell.
I got a pizza recipe from the newspaper AGES ago, that i've been meaning to try it out, since it was by a pretty good columnist. It had your basic pizza recipe - but as you probably figured out, I don't use recipes. They were calling for all this weird stuff in weird quanitities, and throughout the whole time.. I kept on saying to myself.. "err... is this right", "umm this looks wrong".
So me being me, and after years of being yelled at to not be stubborn, I ignored my instincts. I used what they told me to use. Exactly as well. I used tinned tomatoes as the base.. and my dough had oil, milk, water, flour etc..
I guess that was alright. But I kind og forgot the fact that I've never used an oven in my life. I have one - but it don't work - so i don't use it. I decided to use my bbq, which has a therometer inside, and if you set the bbq to 220 degrees, same thing as an oven that temperature right?
I've only made grilled pizza (which is oh so easy). This on the other hand - after recipe following - turned into moosh. Tinned tomatoes (even after they've been concerntrated) neve make a good base. I knew that. But the recipe told me too use it! The base (which was already extra doughy and floury, went extra soggy. And then holes formed. And then.. the cheese fell through that hole, and slid through it - like a slug through a drain pipe.
It tasted ok - besides the doughy bit. And really - theres only so much you can get at a corner shop. I was thinkin buffalo mozzerella and rocket, and chizoro. What I ended up comming back with was, Green olives, tinned tomatoes and meui meu mozerella cheese.
It was ok. But my body didn't think that way.
I spent pretty much the rest of the night trying to get it out of my body any was possible. I've made great pizza before. This.. was not my creation. This was the result of my incapability to follow instructions - and I paid for it.
The body is amazing how many ways it can reject something from your system. No matter how long ago it was, How small, or How much you've done before - you always know what made you sick - "i think it was the oysters".
If you really want to warp the perspective of King kong, you could probably do it pretty easy. The Movie starts off warped. A chick falling inlove with a gorilla? Either this is a really bad take on the blonde bombshell falls in love with the bad boy - Or there has to be some really really warped metphor hidden somewhere deep inside the super thin plot.
Perhaps...King kong represents all males, and The chick represents all females. All males are primitive gorillas who beat their chests and roars. While chicks dig this, even though they pretend not too, and hate any one who tries to do anything similar. They also got the whole.. Hyprocrasy thing going on(Kong can go around eating and crushing people, but people are not allowed to chain him up?)
And kongs a bit of a bastard too. Eats everyone else, except this one - Whom he just happens to fall in love with. He litereally loves what he eats - and throughout all this, she still falls for him.
He tried to eat her. He's almost a cannibal. He's 200 times her size. He killed 16 of her friends(?). And he is perhaps the most dirtiest thing on planet earth, and infact the opposite of who she says she likes.
Yes. I think she does represent the female population.
Oh yea, and kongs the typical guy. Does things for no reasons. Moody, although denies it to the end of the earth, and overall - pretty girly, but too egotistical to deny it because he thinks hes the king of the jungle.
Yup. I think i might have a pizza for lunch tomorrow.
But I don't know how im gonna get the toppings. As if im gonna walk in this heat.
Dunno what to put on top. Perhaps hot salami, buffalo mozzerela and rocket?
Maybe even Chorizo, olives and rocket. Oh well, anythings good. Pizzas, pizza.
December 21, 2005
Silly Season
There are many many reasons why this season, is the silly season.
Its so fucking hot- which results in,
Everything reproducing thousands of times a day- which results in,
Getting fucking itchy- which results in,
Going to the shops to stop things from itching- which results in,
Noticing the shops close at like.. 11- which results in,
Spendin $$$ on stuff you dun need- which results in,
You being broke- which results in,
Being pissed off, AND itchy- and the list goes on and on.
and did anyone else notice this is the time of year when couples start getting together?
Just wondering is it because of the whole 'time of year for bloodsuckers' or the horny season. Hey, mayb its a bit of both, perhaps the bloodsucking females need to feed(no bias).
December 19, 2005
Egg Tarts
Im a very food orientated person. I eat when I wake up, I eat during lunch, dinner, and sometimes before I sleep. Coincidently - this is the times when many others eat also.
With the exception of a few freaks, who eat once a week - "But I already ate yesterday"
Eating is not by chance a hobby that I have. Its a matter of, if i don't eat, I die. And no, no expressionally - as in, "omg im going to die if I don't get those prada boots". But literally, you will flop down and die.
Anyway - that was for no particular reason. Just reminding you all to eat at least once a week, incase you dissolve yourself with your own digestive acids.
Oh, before I forget. Serena and Bianca, how do I come across as whinging? Id really like to know, maybe you could write it in a letter, draw pretty pictures on it, and mail it in a pink envelope, and i'll stand outside all day and wait for it.
but seriously. Enlighten me.
December 18, 2005
Free Lunch
On friday, I spent the afternoon in a room full of sweaty and smelly(mostly me) people. I sat and watched numerous "acheivers" get up... then get down.. while I pretended to care by clapping (encouragement award- wtf?)
Presentation day - "The pinacle of recognition for the acheivers within the school community"
Yeah right.
Wednesday day or whatever... Paul did that free lunch thing, but im afraid he's wrong. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Harold gave that evil evil look, which resulted in him killing(?) Paul 2 days later. Paul was out a couple hundred bucks, but thats nothing compared to what the residents have to put up with a few weeks later - "I gave you lunch. Now your my slave". But.. hes dead(?), so I guess maybe that wont be happening. Maybe thats why Harold killed him.
Anyway - back to my point. Presentation day was like Neighbours. It involved pointless charades, people giving dirty, evil looks, and wating to kill other people. Evil people, and people getting tricked by evil forces, thinking that its a happy day (paul tricking ramsay street, and sefton tricking the students into the idea that anyone gives a crap who tops what).
The only thing missing was the hotness and the stickyness and the fallingalseepness. - but that could probably be compiled from other episodes.
Well, contrary to Paul.. Theres no such thing as a free lunch. Everyone has to pay. Ramsay Street paid by smiling in front of Paul, and I paid on friday in the form of sitting in mid 30 degree weather sweating like an alpaca in hawaii. I also paid by pretending to care when no one obviously does. And if anyone dare tell me that awards actually do count for something, because employers will think it looks good, well do you think that making hundreds of people clap at you for 5 seconds after a year of work they've never see is going to count towards anything to your employer?
I don't think so. If im ever an employer, and sum punk walks into me, and hands in this resume with like.. hundreds of awards from useless institutions like (UNSW, HSBC, UTS etc..) that make up bullcrap awards so that nerds don't cry alone at night - then im just going to clap, pretend to care and punch him in the face - just like i always do every year. (besides the punching in the face part, cause they're too far away.)
December 14, 2005
House of Fury
I like riots.
I think people miss the point with cronulla riots. Stuff like this happens nearly everyday - you think that im going to watch my back just because some Leb bashed a Bogan lifesaver?
The entire WORLD above carlingford just turns into a trashy hell hole past that point - you have your northern beaches, and "kings" high school - wtf is with that?
Anyway- everyone is pissed abt it, ur either pissed about that fact that it happened, or that the fact that its actually on news.
So anyway, where was I.. Oh yea I was talking about the idea of proving yourself to others, and the whole concept of failure and success etc...
"If you're nothing without a UAI, you're nothing with it."
Wise words - and I guess that applies to everything, why people got to be so headstrong? Maybe they should spend some time outside of their own assholes to absorb the things that are being thrown at them, rather than crying to mummy complaining about how someone called them "poo poo head".
I mean, the whole concept of school as a place of education really fails on you people doesn't it? I mean, id really feel bad if someone actually cared about our school and had an impression of the students from what they see, because it'd just be a bunch of babies sucking their thumbs, and perhaps dwidling them when they run out of saliva.
Ignorace is such a problem in our school, I wonder why they didn't vaccinate us against ignorace the same time they did the flu one. People just never seem to listen - maybe just not listen to me, i did get called dopey today. Anyway, if only people would concerntrate for once and not just blare some ambigious bullshit like "stop condradicting yourself" the perhaps you'd actually notice things, some of which I notice is never noticed in our school.
The small little differences. The important ones, the ones that make it the difference between sohpisticated speech and trailer trash. The small differences that no one at all can notice. I fiund myself only having conversations with strangers on the side of the street on in trains. They seem to have a better understanding of the english langauge and how to use it properly, and not sound like a illiterate retard.
So, like i was saying - yay to cronulla. This stuff is better out on the street than inside homes. Its good that hundreds of people walk the streets bashing any foreign face. Otherwise, what you get instead is things like families tied up in cement trucks. I dare them to show that on the news.
December 12, 2005
Happi Anniversary hunni!!!
2 years ...ahahahhAHHAHAHAHahaha...
Loyalty and Petience

Loyalty is a sword in the center of the heart

Patience is a knife in the heart
Loyalty has two parts. On the top it has
"center" and on the bottom,
"heart" Loyalty is the act of one with a sword draw in his heart.
Patience is comprised of two parts;
"knife" on the top, and
"heart" on the bottom. Patience is the the sate of having a knife penentrate the heart.
The cost of loyalty is cheap, but it takes a huge toll on the person. Loyalty requires great patience.
To be loyal to someone, and have someone loyal to you - you must understand that at any point that a sword may come down, ramming into your heart. During this time - you have to be patient - and during this period, its like a knife penentrating the heart.
Loyalty is sometimes all you have, and it usually never runs out. But the toll that loyalty takes is that it is nearly impossible to avoid. Commitment is crucial. Patience is also cruicial, but as patience goes, strugling against it (the knife) will only make it worse. You can only sit there, and watch the sword in your heart.
To those: You realise your loyalty lies with us; fighting it will only cause pain.
December 11, 2005
Embrace Your Shadow
I HATE cjb.net.
Damm laggy servers... So i decided to venture away from the whole flash thing, and be lazy and get blogspot to do all the work. I've stolen a K1 template and modified it a bit. And it contains my usual theme of shades of black and white, with a bit of red and the occasional chinese characters somewhere.
Ok.. so I don't know how many people are reading this - But I SWEAR it will be the last thing i ever try to create in terms of an online journal.
I slept early and woke up late today... I slept for 13 hours. I don't know why. The night before i slept for around 11 hours and i felt dead. Why is it when I sleep for so long, i still feel so tired? Everyones been telling me the more you sleep, the more tired you get - and i know that.
But theres a difference between tired and about to collapse.
Maybe im just getting old. I have been feeling a bit old lately. Nothing seems to be like it used to, and i've been telling people;
"when i was young... coke was only a dollar and fifty cents. When i was young.. lollies came in a paper bag at the corner shop".
I can't do the things I used to. Problems seem to be never ending and reoccuring, and white hair piles on more as the days pass by.
Before when someone used to annoy me, id either punch them in the face or walk away. And now, I can't do either. - and that to me means that i've lost control of my life, all the problems entangle into the matrix of my daily passing by, and before I know it, I spend all my time just getting rid of all the problems.
Hey, sure im all for the whole living thing - but it just is a high maintanence thing don't you think?
You spend 1/3 of it sleeping, and probably another 1/3 doing all the necessary things, like eating, showering(only to some), and all the other hoo ha.
And that only leaves me with 1/3 of 24hrs considered "leisure time" ? my, thats only 8 hours, 6 of which are consumed by travel and school.
So in the end you really only have 2 days for yourself, which most likely im to spend doing something to make tomorrow easier for me, i.e. cleaining my room.
2 hrs is all i have to myself!?
To all you economists out there, does that seem worth it? To spend 22hrs just to have 2 hours worth? thats only a 9.01% return.
December 10, 2005
8.30 sunset
I got a couple movies to watch - old movies that i missed out cause I was in primary school, stuff back from 1994. Downtown torpedoes, Escape from hong kong island, leave me alone etc...
Anyway.. so im playing around on blogger.com ... and it just makes you realise how weird the internet really is. You have the most technologically incompetent people doing some of the more technologically challenging things.I stubled upon a housewife blogring today... I nearly had to wash my eyes out... "bored housewifes" talking about their favourite porn movies, I remember 6 years ago, in 2000 - housewives were screaming at all their childeren to get rid of their computers incase it grows legs and "hacks" everyone to death in their sleep...
And now they're blogging?!..
........................................About porn!?
It just makes me think. 10 years ago - no one really understood computers except for 2 types of people. The people who made them, and 10 year old asian boys who wanted to be hackers. - And now you have housewives on computers.. ?! No offence to housewives, but it just seems like the last group of people to have anything to do with computers, after all - aren't they the ones that always tell us to -
"Get off the computer and go to sleep right now!"
If a housewife can have a blog thanks to scipted sites like blogger.com , i wonder what those 10 year old asian boys are doing with their cable internet connection?
But I must admit, they do blog pretty well.
Oh yea, i was sitting at the dining room table by myself eating dinner, which i thought would be pretty late eating dinner at around 8.00, when i looked above from my cup of green tea -
view from my dinner table
It was still bright! ... Now every summer, its always been this bright, and its been like this for a couple weeks, so what made me notice it now?
ITS STILL BRIGHT! - and im having dinner?! Shouldn't I be out somwhere at a beach or riding my bike (even though I don't have a bike anymore), or playing soccer in the park?!
Or mayb this is my follow up to my previous entry - mayb I am getting old, and to old people - when then sun goes down, you go to sleep (like many other old ppl. e.g. Mr Cree, McPher(fck)son etcc..)
It is dark.. and im actually feeling quite sleepy... =
Have to wake up at 7 tomorrow, and I betcha we're gonna starve tomorrow at Harry's with all the hengness and everything - so I might have to save the day and come back and make something, like tagitelle carbonara, or enchiladas, or chili con carne....