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February 26, 2006

You fit in with:

Your ideals mostly resemble that of a Humanist. Although you do not have a lot of faith, you are devoted to making this world better, in the short time that you have to live. Humanists do not generally believe in an afterlife, and therefore, are committed to making the world a better place for themselves and future generations.

20% spiritual.
70% reason-oriented.

Take'>http://www.quizgalaxy.com/quiz.php?id=47">Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

guns-a-blazing; 11:47 PM

jimmy gor gor

Money is the currency of the world.

But who says everyone has to use currency, and who says everyone belongs to the world.

Money makes the world go round, the world is expensive, everyone needs money, to get somewhere in life - you need money. sure if you feel happy saying that go ahead.

But thats a bit ironic, a tad egotistical. Most of the wealthiest people in the world, don't have that much money. - its ironic in the sense that people who preach about the world being a corprate machine, and how you need money to do this etc. - are the ones that fuel that belief.

I won't bother explaining it in too much detail - but in short, have people ever considered the simple fact that things cost money, and that some people have alot of money, and some don't ?

AND. i want to keep it short. People don't know me. Don't try. Don't think you do. You never will.

i havn't spoken to kim in ages.

hi kim ^^

guns-a-blazing; 9:54 PM

February 25, 2006


its often cited: KNOWLEDGE is POWER is MONEY.

It all starts with knowledge. And i guess at all points in history of the universe, the world has revolved around this principle.

But we live in a society where stupidity plays a huge role. People THINK they have knowledge. people THINK they have power, and any fool can have money - it depends what he does with it.

We live in a world were any punk thinks that if he goes to google, and searches up "how to scam mobile phones" - then he has knowledge, or where some susie homemaker thinks that because she highlights all her notes - she has knowledge.


On other notes. I jarred my finger pretty badly - it was so stiff i couldn't type, but now its perfectly fine ^^ but im sorta-semi sickish. Just the odd runny nose and the occasional migraine in the cerebal cortex.

List of things to do:
Eat lunch.
Clean room.
(maybe) wash dogs.
Write up physics notes.
Study the entire terms maths.
Finish all the surfing.
Cleaning my fish filter.
Get B's present

oh yea, this last part is dedicated to my dear jennifer.

How many men does it take to open a beer?None. It should be opened when she brings it.
Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?
Because a woman who can't even afford a washing machine will probably never be able to support you.
Why do women have smaller feet than men?
It's one of those "evolutionary things" that allowsthem to stand closer to the kitchen sink.
How do you know when a woman is about to say something smart?
When she starts a sentence with "A man once told me..."
How do you fix a woman's watch?
You don't. There is a clock on the oven.
Why do men fart more than women?
Because women can't shut up long enough tobuild up the required pressure.
What's worse than a Male Chauvinist Pig?
A woman who won't do what she's told.
I married a Miss Right.I just didn't know her first name was Always.
Scientists have discovered a food that diminishesa woman's sex drive by 90%.It's called a Wedding Cake.
Why do men die before their wives?They want to.
In the beginning, God created the earth and rested.Then God created Man and rested.Then God created Woman.Since then, neither God nor Man has rested

On tomorrows bloggsing agenda: "Why people are naive to think they know me"

guns-a-blazing; 11:13 AM

February 22, 2006


What my english teacher writes to me;

This year:
"A poor attempt Jimmy. You've barely made a substantial comment and your thesis is underdeveloped this flawed. Put more effort in please!!!"

Last year:
"A poor attempt Jimmy. You've obviouslly done this half heartedly. you need to develop a much more academic tone in your sresponses. At the moment this is like a series of thoughts and i know that you can do much better"

This is the teacher that calls me lazy, and an underacheiver, among many other colourful words.

I don't get it. Im lazy. She knows that, i know that. She should be happy i've managed to put pen to paper - the whole world knows that, its just troubling that she writes it like i've somehow actually expected better.

Im partially glad I go used to failing all the time, because i look at the people around me - and i feel anxious that they might all find a mass suicide cult and emancipate themselves if they acheive a "lowly" UAI of 98.

all day, work work. work work all day. Seemly apologise for their short commings, they will enter a world where theres no such thing as "study" - then thats when they will realise that preparation is only a myth.

guns-a-blazing; 7:32 PM

February 18, 2006


THERE was this cute girl sitting opposite me at dinner today. She was with a group of 20, but sitting around girls - so i assume she was single.

Lunch today was Zaru-Udon and Zaru-Soba - and i've spent the last hour planning my escape.

What i meant about in the last entry, where i was talking about "being away from here" - was not about running away to join the cicrus, or find a comfortable cardboard box and sleep there till i die.

Im planning to go to ANU. 50% of the charm comes from it being so far away, and the other 50% comes from rubbing it in everyones face that i'm in ANU. Although, i don't expect anyone to know what ANU is, so i guess the last 50% is devoted to the "being so far away". So that means. Im going there because its so far away.

I realise that my chances now are almost less than 2%. - considering i fit none of the entry criteria, all which should have been checked last year.

ANYWAY, .. ANU, is in Canberra. Its far enough so that people can't visit me, but close enough so i can visit them. Afterall, its only a 30min flight or a 60min motorbike ride. That way, i'll be far far away. I love sydney, i love my home. But personally im more suited to a more active, and well... lets leave it at that. If ANU isn't a possiblity - then its off to Monash. But i can't visit people there...

And if that fails, im stuck in UNSW or USYD or some other second grade university. Or i could choose not to go to uni, thats always an easy way out ~ but then i can't be a beatnik like bianca has always wanted me to be.

All this school talk is so not like me, its making me sick. bye.

guns-a-blazing; 10:55 PM


I think my fish wants to kill itself.

It bashes the filter, which is clogged because it keeps on uprooting my bamboo and sends dirt flying across the tank.

Its my largest shubunkin, and i called it satan - aptly named.

I've discovered a ploy by my parents. I know why they want to send me overseas. Its to boycott me. *overseas at the end of the year.

its so i can't work, and buy a motorbike and runaway.
and its also so that they can ransack my room.

but mostly so that i cna't work, and so i can't build a proper life - all so that i am fresh in unversity, so that one day i don't decide to quit uni, and pursue my dreams of being a ps2 game tester by day, and a professional CS player at night.

Anyways. my tank is now filled with particles of dead skin and stray misbits. I shall take care of that tomorrow.

I've decided from today that my aim by the end of the year, is to be away from here =)

It most likely will fail, but theres no harm in trying. Actually there is. bbut im trying to ignore that for now.

guns-a-blazing; 12:26 AM

February 13, 2006


I live for 02Jam.

There are some things that are universally true - especially with girls.

They will always love any savage garden song.
They will always be able to shop like its a competative sport.
They will always love flowers.
Chocolate will always be their best friend,
and no matter how much they say they hate valentines, or go against it - it makes them tingle inside.

No matter how horrible, lonely, cold hearted, or disfigured you are - to a girl, valentines is just valentines.

EVEN without a bf. Infact it might be more fun without a boyfriend.

And if i am wrong about you liking valentines - don't deny the fact you use valentines as an excuse to eat chocolate.

guns-a-blazing; 10:00 PM

February 08, 2006

A year ago today.

Not precisely a year ago today. But a year ago nonetheless.

I was screaming at the amount of work in year 11. I didn't have much grey hairs back then.

Theres not much more to say. Oh yea, perhaps a bit chunk of my life that id much rather ignore. No, not forgot, but tuck away so i can eat it another day - like the left overs of a packet of chips.

I'll hide it away under the couch, and hopefully they'll stay fresh and hidden, so that maybe i can live off the crumbs when i'll laying on the floor helplessly, after my liver is crippled.

A year later, nothing has changed. Deja vu. Except im in yr12, and i have lots more grey hair, and im probably screaming a bit more. But on the inside this time.

Not much has changed.

guns-a-blazing; 9:25 PM

February 07, 2006


im hungry.

i think after 16 years, i've exhasted all the foods in my house.

Every household has a different idea of "the basics".

And of course , - "the basics" always change year to year, if not - decade to decade.

When i was knee high, it was probably full of asian things, with not a single european thing to be found, things like flour, eggs, milk and butter were rare, if not non-existant.

You had things like, chinese mushroom, chinese sausages, potato starch, MSG, all spice and rice.

Slowly the pantry did evolve a bit, and it went through its phases. When we were still in primary school, there was always a loaf of bread, margarie and sandwhich bags somewhere. Poppers bombarded the fridge, and the little packets of chips flowed like a river.

As i grew up, and started cooking - things that i always dreamed of being unlimited finally were. Butter, flour, milk, eggs, onion, garlic - All the basics, all the things that i could use as much as i wanted to, to make the newest things i could think of - like a cake - made entirely out of eggs.

Changes brought in new as fast as it took out the old. Some things never changed. Like the endless flow of rice, or soy sauce.

But i havn't cooked in months. My pantry is lonely. It slowly fills back to the asian stuffings. Or the one hit fixes that my sisters fill it up with, simply because they're commercialistic superficial comsumers, who probably think eating a special k bar makes them look skinny. - or maybe because of the fact that they can't even make a sandwhich properly.

So - my pantry is exhasted. I still indulge. Right now.. im waiting for my rocket to grow, so i can have it on my homebaked sourdough. yumm.

But apart from that, perhaps this is a new era.

guns-a-blazing; 11:06 PM

February 04, 2006


Everyone left pretty early ~ i stayed there for a while. Called people to kill the time.

Spent nearly an hour standing around - but at least i had these cute twins to pass the time by.

They looked like fiona with long (fake) hair.

weeeeeee eeheee...

Aww... now i hafta wait till monday. And maybe i'll even have a computer in my room. *finally*

monday is my rats name =)

monday monday monday - ryhmes with sundai.

guns-a-blazing; 1:41 AM

February 02, 2006


This guy was yelling at some other guy that there are too many asians like him in australia - and that we should all go home. This guy wasn't even asian. - obviouslly he was drunk.

Fine. There are alot of asians. And they're small, - so they can fit in tiny spaces. The easter show needs all that space and all that time to get to 1 million people. Watch warrick farm.

Anyway. if there are so many asians; where are they all? If theres so many of us, how come theres never an asian news reporter, or an asian on neighbours. Or even an asian on who wants to be a millionare - or why is a asian never asked when doing those news thingies interview thingies.

There are a few areas where asians are seen in the media. Like today tonight. Where they expose the secrets of some asian family and their money schemes. Or when one of them gets caught with coke to their body or has date raped by a 50 yr old man. Actually they even get on the big screen. - but usually they're the first ones to die. or die in the most stupidest way - and they just have to have either a REALLY strong accent - and eyes like look like slits, or they have glassses on. Some weird crap like that.


and for some reason.. it feels like my rib cage has been crushed and my lungs have collapsed.

nice bag helen ;)

guns-a-blazing; 10:30 PM

February 01, 2006


I figured out what i want to do. =)

Its always been right in front of my face. Cosmetic Pyrotechnitian. - Thats my term for "fireworks decorater"

You get to make pretty things- while blowing them up.

You get to make lots of people (specially girls) go oooooooo... and ahhhhhhhh... and wowwwww!!!

and at the end - they always say "that was fantastic"

And i can always use pickup lines like.. "wanna go make some fireworks?". or.. "we can make fire works if you blow my firecrackers"

Yes. Its a perfect job for me. The fire. The high flying cheap chinese plastic. The smell gunpowder - and making people look up, and climb on anything feasable just to watch you blow things up.

On another note: I tried cleaning my room so many times. I can never get it clean. It still isn't, and never will be. But at least i got two matresses now. Two beds =) i can swap whenever i want.

And oh yea - the sleeping problems. Even since i got the new matress. I wonder why...? Its amazing. School gives me strengh i've never seen. I can go days without proper sleep!
Where as in the holidays i end up sleeping for a few days in a row.

People been saying things about my white hairs. Is it really that bad? Is it really that noticible? if only i could have a full head of white hair- and tell people that mortal kombat is about to begin.. the future of your race awaits.

Then i can have the whooooooolleee train carriage to myself.

*appologies to the girls who don't understand the mortal kombat regrece, or perhaps sorry for not knowing what mortal kombat is at all.

guns-a-blazing; 11:58 PM


` jimmy.


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