I've done it. I've cleaned my room for the last time before the HSC. I've stacked and stored all my notes. No need to ever oranise them again. They're all by subject, in the right order.
all my computerised notes in the world. 511mb. Nearly a CD's worth of notes. ONLY a CD's worth of notes. I'd expected for the 6 subjects that i do, and after 2 years, id have more than 1000 pages of notes, but thats all i have =S
And as for my paper notes.. three folders, bulging full of notes, past papers, diagrams, photocopies, tables, hints, sample answers...
Just alone for english i have a 200 page folder for it.
Theres about 60 maths past papers there.
And it only weighs 5kg.
It took me an entire 2 years to collect them all, but i did it. I collected them all. Every subject archived from 1997, with examiners comments, past papers and sample answers. And, not a single hand written note in sight, because they're either been replaced by more superior notes, or typed up.
about 200 pages per science.. about 200 pages for maths, for english -100 for religion..
and only 500 hours left.