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April 26, 2007

woo my stocks finally went up!!

but u can also see where i lost alot of my money =(

i have no more capital =((

guns-a-blazing; 2:27 AM

April 19, 2007

so SMH has changed its story, the first victim never knew the shooter.

turtistic loner they called him, and 'so close to her mother, she wud call her everyday' it reports.

the headlines yesterday was "one jealous boyfriend, 2 guns, 33 dead".

no that theres no more jealous boyfriend, does that mean he's cleared? wheres the motive anymore - "you caused me to do this" , how generic.

why are there still no pictures of any asians at all, 60 faces so far and stasticcally speaking that should be nearly 4 ppl. wouldn't you be asking the asians first?

are people even going to try and looking for a motive, or are people williing to accept crazy asian guy on rampage decides to kill innocent girl next door for no reason. what made her so innocent anyway?

what i would really like to see is some accounts from his friends or family.

and whats with this "grotesque story" theory?

when whithered old male, tarintino does it - its called a movie , some people even say its good.

but suddenly when some asian young dude does it, its all freaky n shit.

guns-a-blazing; 4:14 PM

April 18, 2007


Asians fear backlash after shooting


Me too.

There seems to be major inconsistensies with the three major news sources that i read; Mx, news.com.au and SMH

Mx and news.com.au are apparently both controlled by news corp, but even within the own company things are very different, and smh just gives totallt different accounts.

Mx says that the first victim was never his girlfriend, and he was just stalking her. SMH and news.com.au both say it was his gf, but smh adds to say that she was cheating on him.

theres also varying counts of either 33 or 32 dead, depending on whether they want to include the killer in the toll or not.

and why does the first victim have to the the "innocent country girl" - Mx, yet the asian guy the "loner"

although news.com.au reports 6.2% asian students registered at the uni (their raw data from other reports suggest at least 6.4%) of the 25 or so visible pages in mx, 1.6 of them should be asian, i mean smh described a "large asian community" why are there no asians in the picture?

maybe it reminds me of this:


i mean if you really read the news reports, ignore the shooting thing, the descriptions of the korean dude make him sound quiet and gentle - his roomate said she never thought "he could do something like this" - smh.

Theres hundreds of inconsitencies out there, infact it took them 12 hrs to find out who the killer was - but only 20min or so for columbine - what was the difference? if u find a girlfriend dead, don't you just find the bf first? noone seems to call her his girlfriend except for the news, i mean if he was such a loner would he have a girlfriend in the first place?

even the guy who sold him the gun said it wasn't suspicious, and the serial number was scratched off as well - if you're going to blow your own head off with a legally bought gun, why do u need to hide the serial number?

Mx says
"hilscher had never mentioned him to those closer to her, and family friend
john mccarthy said that if he was driven by love, it had never been

am i meant to believe that this person

"In a several-page-long note found in his dorm room after the massacre, the
23-year-old student wrote: “You caused me to do this”, according to ABC
The note included a rambling list of grievances, the Chicago Tribune
reported. "

can write so calmly:

"But among his English class peers, Cho was known for writing gory, morbid plays
that belied his silent presence in class, the campus newspaper has reported. "

about gore?

Perhaps the quote from those closest to him should actually mean something:

"He was, like, normal," Mr Grewal, a 21-year-old accounting major, told the
Tribune. He said he went back to sleep but, according to authorities, Cho stayed
awake. "He did not seem like a guy that's capable of anything like this,"
Mr Grewal said. "

and mx says "cho grew up in a comfortable two-storey house in centreville viginia, 32km from washington"

then why does news.com.au say this:

"According to Chicago Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed, the man came to the US
last year on a student visa issued in Shanghai. "

none of this really makes sense. the doors were locked.no actually saw him shoot anyone. how do we really know he did it?

conspiracy? boycott?

guns-a-blazing; 7:55 PM

April 17, 2007

eating trains


from there, apparently we're not sposed to eat on trains...

guns-a-blazing; 11:54 PM

April 15, 2007


Songs that i have been putting on repeat for the last week:

Look after you - The Fray
Lonely Day - System of a Down
All good things come to an End - Nelly Furtado
20 Good Reasons - Thirsty Merc

And this is something only commerce, specifically QMA and/or Fianance students will understand:

Contradictory Results

A few years ago, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study that
evaluated various types of professional education as if they were financial

The idea was to see if doctors were overpaid, by considering primary and
specialty medical education as investments and comparing them with investing in
education in business, law, and dentistry
(but not university professors -- that
would have been too embarassing). Adjustments were made for differences
in average working hours. The authors found that primary medicine was the
poorest investment of all of these.
Specialty medicine did better, but was
not out of line with the other professions.

In the results was this oddity: By the criterion of the net present
value of lifetime educational costs and income benefits, specialist physicians
tied for highest with attorneys. Both were ahead of business school

However, by the criterion of the internal rate of return,
specialty physicians, with a 21% average return, were well behind the attorneys'
25% average return, while the business school graduates' 29% average return was
the highest of all.
The present value and the internal rate of return
ranked the alternatives differently!

By the way, since this article's 1994 publication, managed care has forced
specialty physician incomes down by perhaps one-third. This has sharply
lowered the investment value of a specialty medical education.

SOURCE: http://hspm.sph.sc.edu/COURSES/ECON/invest/invest.html

guns-a-blazing; 3:44 PM

April 14, 2007


Microsoft tightened up its validation last month, so i had to find new ways to work around that annoying windows genuine advantage.

So after i validated, windows kept on telling me about all the cool stuff i cud get if my windows was real. since i have a 'real' copy, i downloaded everything i cud, this included;

Calculator PLUS, yea - plus now. whats extra? nothing besides a convert tool and a new look. apart from that its just as ugly as before.

Save as PDF or XPS for Word and Excel 2007. It sounds pretty useless, you realise you need it more than you think you do.

Get started tab for Word and Excel 2007. This sounds pretty useless , and is - because it doesn't work.

and that was pretty much it. Apart from the the things like security updates, WMP11 and IE7 - theres not much advantage of being genuine, so you're not really missing out on much.

There are like 3000000 templates and tutorials for office users, but i doubt this would be much use for people.

So anyway, the moral of my story is that in microsofts attempt to try to deny me of software, i just download more so they lose more, considering i have never owned a legal peice of software since windows 1995.

Is you Windows software legal? i've uploaded the check here:


guns-a-blazing; 8:01 PM

April 12, 2007


5 years ago when i lost my travelpassrailpass for the first time, i was like "oh shit a whole $20 to replace it, how am i ever going to afford that".

4 lost rail passes later, and now i used a travel pass every week that costs me more to replace the year-valid rail pass to let me travel for only a week.

and i totally agree with http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,21542564-2,00.html

only the general public can so be self obsessed and niave that they think they can end the world. if the world does end, and if everyone dies, it will be at the hands of something bigger and smarter than us.

guns-a-blazing; 12:13 AM

April 08, 2007


Like i said, WTF?!?!?!?!?!

during my quiz, it froze for a good 5min, then suddenly theres a display error on the right, thats were my time, and answers go.

more evidence of my bad kharma

guns-a-blazing; 8:43 PM


` jimmy.


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